Empower Your Online Presence With Cutting-Edge Web Solutions

We help businesses like yours unleash their full potential online. From custom website design to website maintenance, hosting, and other services, our team of experts provides the skills and experience you need to succeed in the digital world.

Our Services

Website Design

Websites that attract customers and
increase revenue.

A well-designed website can provide many benefits, including increased credibility, improved user experience, increased conversions, better search engine rankings, increased brand awareness, cost-effectiveness, accessibility, mobile-friendliness, better customer engagement and increased return on investment.


Mobile-first design

Modern website design is mobile-first, meaning that it's designed for the small screen first and then adapted for larger screens.

Social media intergration

This includes integrating the website with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Responsive design

A responsive design means that the website layout and content adjust to the size of the screen and device it's viewed on. This ensures that the website is easily navigable and readable on all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Increase ROI

A well-designed website can increase return on investment by providing a better user experience and increasing conversions.

Search engine optimization

Designing the website to be optimized for search engines, such as by including meta tags and alt text for images.

Speed optimization

Designing the website to load quickly, such as by minimizing the use of large images and scripts.

Mobile-first design

Modern website design is mobile-first, meaning that it's designed for the small screen first and then adapted for larger screens.

Increase ROI

A well-designed website can increase return on investment by providing a better user experience and increasing conversions.

Speed optimization

Designing the website to load quickly, such as by minimizing the use of large images and scripts.

Responsive design

A responsive design means that the website layout and content adjust to the size of the screen and device it's viewed on. This ensures that the website is easily navigable and readable on all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Social media intergration

This includes integrating the website with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Search engine optimization

Designing the website to be optimized for search engines, such as by including meta tags and alt text for images.


Website Hosting

Managed WordPress hosting for entrepreneurs
and businesses on a mission.

Managed WordPress hosting is an ideal solution for website owners who want to ensure that their website is always running at optimal performance, backed by the latest security, and it’s always up-to-date. It also offers technical support and scalability, which can be very helpful for growing websites.


Focus on your business

This service allows website owners to focus on their business, while we take care of server management, monitoring, and maintenance.

Increase Security

We have security measures in place to protect the website from hacking attempts and other security threats.

Improved performance

we use servers that are optimized for WordPress, which can result in faster load times and better website performance.

Regular backups

We perform regular backups and external backups of the website, ensuring that it can be easily restored in the event of a problem.

Automatic updates

Our team will update the WordPress software and plugins, ensuring that the website is always running the latest and most secure version.

Technical Support

Modern Geeks offers technical support that is specifically geared toward WordPress. This can be helpful for troubleshooting and resolving issues.

Website Maintenance

Protect, maintain, and safeguard, your company’s website.

Website Maintenance is an ongoing task that is required to keep a website running smoothly and up-to-date. This can include tasks such as updating content, fixing bugs, security updates, backups, and monitoring. It ensures that a website is secure, running smoothly, and providing a good user experience.


Update content

Keeping the website's content up-to-date: This includes updating existing pages and posts, adding new content, and removing outdated content.

Off-site backups

Regularly backing up the website's files and databases to ensure that they can be restored in case of an emergency.

Security updates

Websites need to be protected from hacking attempts, malware, and other security threats. Ongoing maintenance and support services can help to keep a website secure by installing updates and patches to protect against known vulnerabilities.

Performance monitoring

Regularly monitoring the website's performance and troubleshooting any issues that may arise, such as slow loading times or broken links.

Uptime monitoring

Monitoring the website's uptime, so you can quickly identify and fix any issues that may cause the website to go down.

Mobile optimization

Optimizing the website for different devices and screen sizes, such as by making the website responsive.

Say Goodbye to Website Edits,
website Hosting and website
Maintenance Headaches

 Our services: Website design, hosting, and website maintenance save clients time, so they can focus on their clients, grow their business, and increase revenue.

Our Portfolio

Let's Work Together!

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To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page: (https://www.gravityforms.com/the-8-best-email-plugins-for-wordpress-in-2020). Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.
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